by | Apr 8, 2021 | Lichti, Cheryl, Unanue, Emil, Wan, Xiaoxiao
— Technology Description:
Researchers in the lab of Emil Unanue at Washington University have discovered a panel of peptides responsible for autoimmune activation in Type 1 diabetes and potentially capable of diagnosing T1D at an early stage. These peptide fragments of insulin are found circulating …
by | Nov 6, 2019 | Chaplin, David, Schreiber, Robert, Unanue, Emil
— Target: Mouse/rat interleukin-1 beta and mouse interleukin-1 alpha. Located on macrophages, dendritic cells, T and B cells.
Notes: Clone name is B-122 and Alf-161
Information on antibodies against IL-1 beta:
The role of murine IL-1 beta in vitro and in vivo has not been defined. We describe here the production of neutralizing and immunoprecipitating mAb and polyclonal antibodies specific for murine IL-1 beta and their application to a characterization of the…
by | Oct 22, 2019 | Diamond, Michael, Murphy, Kenneth, Murphy, Theresa, Schreiber, Robert, Unanue, Emil
— Notes: Batf3-/- knockout mouse with a 129SvEv background.