Crry-deficient mouse strain

— Crry-knockout mouse strain (Crry -/-)

Researchers generated mice deficient in Crry by disrupting exon 5 of the mouse Crry gene. The mice are sensitive to complement deposition and activation, especially the C3 component of complement on the surface of the placenta.

Publication: A Critical Role for Murine Complement Regulator Crry in Fe…

IL-1 beta deficient mice

— Mouse strain deficient in IL-1 beta

Inventors created the IL-1 beta deficient mouse strain by targeting the IL-1 beta gene in embryonic stem cells. These mice develop and grow normally. Endotoxin-stimulated peritoneal macrophages from IL-1beta- deficient mice showed normal synthesis and cellular release of IL- 1alpha after treatment w…

Agonistic Anti-CD40 Monoclonal Antibodies

— The monoclonal antibodies developed are agaonistic monoclonal antibodies. These antibodies can help in enhancing the immune system by activating dendritic cell subsets. Furthermore, these antibodies are unique, as they can activate Dendritic cells without the need for cross-linking the receptor.

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