BOOM-TCRtg mice

— BOOM TCRtg mice express a T cell receptor specific for the Bt4295(541-554) epitope of the commensal bacteria Bacteroids thetaiodaomicron. This is the first mouse TCRtg line developed specific for B. theta.

Device for diabetes cell replacement therapy

— Technology Description

Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have developed a 3D-printed device for the subcutaneous transplantation of stem cell-derived beta (SC-beta) cells for diabetes cell replacement therapy. Diabetes mellitus, a disease characterized by loss of blood glucose cont…

Irg1 conditional knockout mouse

— Irg1−/− mice were generated after receiving embryonic stem cells (ESCs) from the Knockout Mouse Project Repository containing an insertion cassette between exons 3 and 4. This cassette prevents transcription of downstream exons 4 and 5 and production of mature protein. Irg1−/&minu…


— Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) is an emerging infectious disease in South America transmitted by mosquitos. VEEV usually resides in forest and swamp areas where human populations are limited, however, VEEV has the potential to cause epidemics in humans and equines. LDLRAD3 has been foun…

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