by | Mar 10, 2018 | Loh, Joy, Stappenbeck, Thaddeus, Thackray, Larissa, Virgin, Herbert, Wang, David, Yokoyama, Christine, Zhao, Guoyan
— Background: Mice are critical animal models for scientists investigating both basic and applied research principles. Several novel murine astroviruses have been identified in mouse facility at Washington University School of Medicine. Astroviruses are RNA viruses often associated with gastrointestin…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | Chen, Zhou-Feng, Sun, Yan Gang
— Background: Severe itch (or pruritus) is associated with multiple diseases such as liver disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, psoriasis, and common eczema and is also a side effect of many treatments including analgesics (like morphine) and renal dialysis. Chronic pruritus is a top reason for derm…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | Lanza, Gregory, Pan, Dipanjan, Senpan, Angana, Wickline, Samuel
— Background: Biodegradable magnetic carriers have been increasingly utilized in biomedical and clinical research, but the larger size of ferromagnetic agents previously used leads to long circulation times and restriction to the vasculature, making these particles ideally suited for detection of spa…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | Chu, Wenhua, Dugan, Laura, Mach, Robert, Mintun, Mark
— Many diseases can be associated with abnormal production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to oxidative stress. Currently there is no way to image this in situ. Dihydroethidium (DHE) naturally produces a fluorescent product when oxidized by an ROS. The signal is not strong enough for practical im…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | Chen, Zhou-Feng, Liu, Xianyu
— Background: Opioids, such as morphine, are used in pain management and have significant analgesic effects. However a common side effect of morphine is severe itching. Currently, morphine-induced itch is treated with antagonists against the mu opioid receptor. While these antagonists reduce itch, the…