Rat Hybridoma producing IgG2a Monoclonal Antibodies to Murine CD226 (DNAM-1)

— Target: Cluster of Differentiation 226 protein, a.k.a. DNAX Accessory Molecule 1.

Notes: Clone available is 480.1

Inventors generated the antibodies by immunizing rats with RBL cells transfected with mDNAM-1 cDNA (RBL–mDNAM-1) or mouse CD96 cDNA (RBL-mCD96) and selecting hybridomas that reacted with 293–mDNAM-1 or 293-mCD96 transfectants but not with untransfected 293 cells.

Publication: DNAM-1 pro…

Mouse Hybridoma producing IgG2b Monoclonal Antibodies to Human FcRL4

— Target: Fc Receptor Like 4 protein.

Notes: Clone available is 413D12. Used in flow cytometry, immunoprecipitation, and functional studies.

Balb/c mice were immunized three times at two week intervals with paraformaldehyde-fixed FcRL4 stable transfectants, first in CFA, then twice in IFA + CpG 1826. Three days prior to fusion with SP2/0 cells, the final immunization was performed by IP injection of irradiated cells in PBS. Hybridoma clo…

Murine Hybridoma producing IgG2b Monoclonal Antibody to Human CD85h (ILT1)

— Target: Cluster of Differentiation 85h protein, a.k.a. Ig-Like Transcripts 1.

Notes: Clone name is 24.

Wistar rats were immunized with ILT1/FLAG-transfected RBL cells. ILT1 mAb was selected by flow cytometry for staining ILT1/FLAG-transfected RBL cells. This antibody can be used to study myeloid cell activation.

Publication: Human Myeloid Cells Express an Activating ILT1 Receptor (ILT1) That Ass…

Chimeric murine anti-FimH Monoclonal Antibodies

— These are recombinant chimeric murine monoclonal antibodies that are directed against FimH, an adhesin within uropathogenic E coli (UPEC). The monoclonal antibodies were isolated from mice immunized with adjuvanted FimCH, but are expressed on a human IgG1 backbone and hence they are chimeric.

Murine Hybridoma producing IgG1 Monoclonal Antibody to Human ILT3

— Target: Immunoglobulin transcript 3 (ILT3).

Notes: Clone name is ZM4.1.

To generate the hyrbidomas, 10-week-old, female BALB/c mice received an initial injection of ILT3 human IgG1 fusion protein mixed with Alu-Gel-S behind the neck. 4 weeks later, they were given a booster immunization with the same immunogen, followed after 2 weeks by a final injection of purified ILT…
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