by | Apr 8, 2020 | Ellebedy, Ali
— Human Monoclonal Antibodies: MD.03.1H06, MD.03.1B06, MD.03.1D11, MD.031F03, MD.03.1F11, MD.03.1H01, MD.025.2H09, MD.03.1G01, MD.025.2F10, MD.025.2B07, MD.025.2G11, MD.025.1F09, MD.025.1D01, MD.025.1H07, 306.012.7.1C10, 306.012.7.1A05,,
by | Apr 8, 2020 | Semenkovich, Clay, Wei, Xiaochao
— APT1 deficient mouse
by | Feb 14, 2020 | Diamond, Michael, Nair, Sharmila
— Description: CRISPR-Cas9 gene edited mice with point mutation in Irg1 (ACOD1).
Note: Please contact for additional information.
by | Feb 14, 2020 | Diamond, Michael, Fremont, Daved
— Description: Monoclonal antibodies that react with and/or neutralize Chikungunya virus
by | Feb 10, 2020 | Brien, James, Diamond, Michael, Shrestha, Bimmi, Sukupolvi, Soila
— Description: Monoclonal antibodies against Dengue virus E proteins. These mAbs are generated in mouse against different Dengue viruses and have been shown, by functional assays, to neutralize infection of the individual Dengue serotypes.
Target: Dengue Virus
Notes: Contact for more info.