by | Mar 10, 2018 | Achilefu, Samuel, Kotagiri, Nalinikanth
— Background: Around 1 million patients receive radiation therapy every year with an estimated cost of $2,000 per treatment. The market demands technologies that can provide efficacious therapeutics and diagnostic imaging while minimizing harmful side effects. Photodynamic therapy can simultaneously s…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | Lanza, Gregory, Pan, Dipanjan, Senpan, Angana, Wickline, Samuel
— Background: Biodegradable magnetic carriers have been increasingly utilized in biomedical and clinical research, but the larger size of ferromagnetic agents previously used leads to long circulation times and restriction to the vasculature, making these particles ideally suited for detection of spa…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | Achilefu, Samuel, Berezin, Mikhail, Zhang, Zongren
— Background: Near Infrared (NIR) fluorescence can be highly useful in biological systems as it is highly sensitive and allows for detection and imaging of physiological and molecular processes in cells and living organisms. However, radiometric imaging is difficult in the NIR region of the light spec…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | Maslov, Konstantin, Rao, Bin, Wang, Lihong
— A photoacoustic tomography device that provides high optical absorption contrast with high lateral resolution, including very good melanin distribution images, for port wine stain birthmarks.
by | Mar 10, 2018 | An, Woo Jin, Wang, Lihong
— Photon tunneling has the potential to guide light to the core of a human body in vivo. Imaging, sensing, and therapy are among the applications for this technology. Light, as opposed to potentially harmful x-rays, is an ideal non-ionizing radiation for imaging and treating biological tissue, however…