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Search returned 653 results
Enantiomeric16-ketosteroids and Related Tetracyclic & Tricyclic Analogues with Neuronal ActionsCovey, Douglas
— Neurosteroids are of great interest because of their ability to alter brain function. Compounds of the type disclosed here have potential to be new drugs useful for causing anesthesia and treating depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, seizures.
Dementia Screening test: the AD8Roe, Catherine ; Galvin, James ; Morris, John
— The AD8 is an 8 question interview tool which distinguishes individuals with very mild dementia from those without dementia, regardless of etiology. The AD8 is based on intraindividual decline and has been demonstrated to be a valid and reliable screening tool for dementia.
Manipulating Tricellular Junction Permeability in Blood Brain Barrier to Treat Brain TumorsGong, Yong-feng ; Hou, Jianghui
— Background: Brain tumors are the most lethal disease known to mankind with approximately 170,000 annual diagnoses and 13,000 deaths attributed to brain cancer. Glioblastoma, the most common and aggressive, has a median survival of approximately 18 months. Chemotherapeutic agents have been approved b…
Control of Dietary and Microbial Exposure in Early Life as a Novel Approach to Target Allergy Development in InfantsMcDonald, Keely ; Knoop, Kathryn ; Newberry, Rodney
— Background: The frequency of allergic disorders has been rapidly increasing in children in Western societies. Previous studies have shown reduced allergic outcomes in at-risk children upon breast feeding with complementary introduction of food allergens combined with limited oral antibiotic exposure…
System and Method for Multi-modality Quantification of Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer ’s DiseaseWang, Qing ; Benzinger, Tammie ; Wang, Yong
— Background: One in three seniors will die of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or other neurodegenerative diseases. As the prevalence of AD increases rapidly, there is a strong need for early diagnoses and the ability to evaluate efficacy of drug treatments. Typically, a combination of neurological tes…
Nano-CaCO3Som, Avik ; Raliya, Ramesh ; Biswas, Pratim ; Achilefu, Samuel
— Background: Physiological pH changes consistently affect millions of people worldwide. A slight variation in physiological pH exposes the body to various health risks, ranging from common heartburn to the formation of malignant tumors. Conventional methods for buffering pH are accomplished through a…
Obligate Heterotetrameric Pairs of Cre Recombinase Mutants for Efficient Recombination at Asymmetric SitesQi, Zongtai ; Zhang, Chi ; Mitra, Robi ; Myers, Connie ; Corbo, Joseph ; Havranek, James
— Background: The function of enzymes involved in homologous recombination can be exploited in the field of genetic engineering in order to generate mutations of interest. However, this machinery is not functionally efficient in post mitotic or terminally differentiated cells. Viral gene therapy techn…
Neurofibromin/dopamine signaling as a biomarker for cognitive and behavioral problems in children with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1)Anastasaki, Corina ; Gutmann, David
— Background: Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a common neurological condition affecting roughly 1 in every 2,500 individuals. NF1 is associated with a host of clinical presentations, including malignant tumors and cognitive defects ranging from attention deficits, mental retardation, and autism. The…
New Method to Produce a DNA Mutation LibraryGurnett, Christina ; Dobbs, Matthew ; Alvarado, David ; Haller, Gabriel
— Background: A DNA point mutation is a single nucleotide base substitution, insertion, or deletion in a gene sequence. Point mutations are responsible for several diseases including cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell disease, polycystic kidney disease, microcephaly, and Crohn’s disease. The study on …
Combination Artemisinin and Chemiluminescent Photodynamic Therapy for Treatment of Malaria and CancerSigala, Paul ; Goldberg, Daniel
— Background: Malaria, mainly caused by Plasmodium falciparum, results in over 200 million clinical cases a year and approximately 430,000 deaths a year. Tropical and sub-tropical countries have a high incidence of malaria cases because Anopheles mosquitoes thrive in warm temperatures and are able to …
Compressed-sensing Ultrafast Photography (CUP)Liang, Jinyang ; Gao, Liang ; Wang, Lihong
— Compressed-sensing ultrafast photography (CUP) is an ultrafast imaging technique that can capture non-repetitive, time-evolving events at up to 100 billion frames per second. Compared to existing ultrafast imaging methods, CUP has a prominent advantage in measuring an x, y, t (x, y, spatial coordina…
SPECT imaging nanoprobe for the detection of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activityBlack, Kvar ; Achilefu, Samuel
— This invention is the formulation of a SPECT nanoparticle probe for the detection of MMP activity. The surface of a 10 nm-sized gold nanoparticle is functionalized through a thiol anchor with a peptide that is cleaved in the presence of MMP9. The surface is also functionalized with methoxy polyethyl…
Personalized Virtual Reality TrainingJanes, William ; Foreman, Matthew ; Engsberg, Jack
— Many patients require physical therapy each year as a result of their suffering from a variety of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders including stroke, cerebral palsy, trauma and many others. Repetitive movements can increase muscle tone, range of motion and stamina to aid in their daily act…
PEGylated-GIRLRG Peptide for Radiopharmaceutical DeliveryHallahan, Dennis
— Technology: GRP78 is a chaperone that is part of a complex that controls the maturation of glycoproteins in the ER and senses cellular stress in normal cells. However, following radiation treatment, GRP78 is also expressed on the surface of cancer cells and has anti-apoptotic and pro-angiogenesis ac…
PARTNER programRook, Shannon ; Strunk, Robert ; Highstein, Gabrielle ; Dodd, Sherry ; Garbutt, Jane
— Background: Many children with asthma live with frequent symptoms and activity limitations, and visits for urgent care are common. Pediatricians do not typically meet with families regularly in order to monitor asthma, identify possible problems with the management of the child’s asthma, or pr…
Red-Shifted Chromophore Substitution for Optogenetic ApplicationsToomey, Matthew ; Enright, Jennifer ; Corbo, Joseph
— Optogenetics is one of the most important technological breakthroughs in neuroscience during the past decade, and holds tremendous promise for dissecting the mechanisms of neurologic disease and for treating a range of disorders. Optogenetic actuators are ion channels or pumps that can be regulated …
Ultra-Rare Variant Detection using Next Generation SequencingYoung, Andrew ; Druley, Todd
— Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) allows rapid sequencing of an individual’s entire genome or portions of the genome to identify thousands of genetic variants. Personalized genomic tests based on NGS technologies can be used to predict an individual’s risk of disease or monitor disease pr…
Vaccines for the Pathogenic Fungus Cryptococcus Neoformans via Nasal InoculationUpadhya, Rajendra ; Lam, Woei Chuan ; Lodge, Jennifer
— Cryptococcus fungi are pathogenic fungi that, unless treated, are invariably fatal to those individuals infected, particularly to those who are immunocompromised. Recent reports indicate that Cryptococcus fungi infects 1,000,000 individuals per year and causes approximately 600,000 deaths. While ant…
Parity-Time Symmetric Whispering-Gallery-Mode Microcavities SensorPeng, Bo ; Ozdemir, Sahin ; Yang, Lan
— A non-reciprocal transmission device based on PT symmetry was previously theorized but never before constructed and shown to work at useful optical wavelengths. The new structure allows creation of the miniaturized optical isolation function without use of the century+ known Faraday effect. Optica…
Imaging and treatment of pathophysiologic conditions by Cerenkov RadiationKotagiri, Nalinikanth ; Achilefu, Samuel
— Background: Around 1 million patients receive radiation therapy every year with an estimated cost of $2,000 per treatment. The market demands technologies that can provide efficacious therapeutics and diagnostic imaging while minimizing harmful side effects. Photodynamic therapy can simultaneously s…