by | Mar 10, 2018 | Mumm, Jeffrey, Schroeter, Eric
— Background: Zebrafish is a standard model system in the field developmental biology and is particularly useful due to its extensive regenerative capabilities. The system has been used to study development by removal of cells by physical surgery and laser-mediated ablation; however these are labor in…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | Loh, Joy, Stappenbeck, Thaddeus, Thackray, Larissa, Virgin, Herbert, Wang, David, Yokoyama, Christine, Zhao, Guoyan
— Background: Mice are critical animal models for scientists investigating both basic and applied research principles. Several novel murine astroviruses have been identified in mouse facility at Washington University School of Medicine. Astroviruses are RNA viruses often associated with gastrointestin…