by | Mar 10, 2018 | Engsberg, Jack, Foreman, Matthew, Janes, William
— Many patients require physical therapy each year as a result of their suffering from a variety of neurological and musculoskeletal disorders including stroke, cerebral palsy, trauma and many others. Repetitive movements can increase muscle tone, range of motion and stamina to aid in their daily act…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | Achilefu, Samuel, Black, Kvar
— This invention is the formulation of a SPECT nanoparticle probe for the detection of MMP activity. The surface of a 10 nm-sized gold nanoparticle is functionalized through a thiol anchor with a peptide that is cleaved in the presence of MMP9. The surface is also functionalized with methoxy polyethyl…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | De, Sumitava, Lawder, Matthew, Northrop, Paul, Ramadesigan, Venkatasailanathan, Subramanian, Venkat, Suthar, Bharatkumar
— Advanced technology for Li ion batteries that allows 20% greater energy storage and 50% reduction in charging time without compromising the safety or lifetime of the battery system. Rechargeable batteries (e.g. Li ion) are managed as part of a subsystem that includes control of the charge and disch…
by | Mar 10, 2018 | Gao, Liang, Liang, Jinyang, Wang, Lihong
— Compressed-sensing ultrafast photography (CUP) is an ultrafast imaging technique that can capture non-repetitive, time-evolving events at up to 100 billion frames per second. Compared to existing ultrafast imaging methods, CUP has a prominent advantage in measuring an x, y, t (x, y, spatial coordina…