Search returned 663 results
Murine Hybridoma producing IgG1 Monoclonal Antibody to Human CD155Colonna, Marco
— Target: Cluster of Differentiation 155 protein, a.k.a. Poliovirus Receptor. Notes: Clone name is SKII.4.
Murine Hybridoma producing IgG1 Monoclonal Antibody to Human SIRP Alpha + BetaColonna, Marco
— Target: Cluster of Differentiation 172g protein, a.k.a. Signal Regulatory Protein Alpha and Beta. Notes: Clone name is 148.
Murine Hybridoma producing IgG2a Monoclonal Antibody to Mouse Rae1 DeltaColonna, Marco
— Target: Retinoic Acid Early 1 Delta protein. Notes: Clone Charlotte O1.23.
Murine Hybridoma producing IgG1 Monoclonal Antibody to Human B7-H3Colonna, Marco
— Target: Cluster of Differentiation, a.k.a. Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule. Notes: Clone name is DCN.70.
Rat Hybridoma producing IgG2b mAB to Mouse Natural IPC-Specific AntigenColonna, Marco
— Target: Natural Interferon-Producing Cell-Specific Antigen Notes: Clone available is 440c
Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus (VEEV) AntibodiesDiamond, Michael
— Primary Inventor: Michael S. Diamond, MD Target: Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus
Anti-prM Monoclonal Antibody against all four Dengue Virus SerotypesDiamond, Michael
— Target: Dengue Virus Notes: PrM-12 and -22
Recombinant Chikungunya Virus Soluble E2 ProteinPal, Pankaj ; Diamond, Michael ; Barrow, Melissa ; Fremont, Daved
T-014734 Knockout Mouse lacking Expression of the Batf3 Gene
Schreiber, Robert ; Unanue, Emil ; Murphy, Theresa ; Diamond, Michael ; Murphy, Kenneth
— Notes: Batf3-/- knockout mouse with a 129SvEv background.
Niemann Pick Type C (NPC) Mouse ModelOry, Daniel
— Notes: Mouse model with the mutation for NPC knocked in.
B6.129.Btla tm1kmm/J MouseMurphy, Theresa ; Murphy, Kenneth
— Notes: Btla-/- knockout mouse with a 129S/SvEv background. B6.129.Btla tm1kmm/J Mouse.
Whole Body Knockout Mouse on CISD2 GeneUrano, Fumihiko
T-017431 Conditional Lama5 Mutant Mice
Miner, Jeffrey
T-017526 Nanomaterials for Imaging and Treatment of Amyloidosis
Liu, Yongjian ; Guruswami, Sundaram ; Bieschke, Jan ; Sharma, Vijay
— Background 8 million people per year are diagnosed with light-chain (AL) amyloidosis, a progressive disease than can quickly affect the kidney, heart, and nervous system if left untreated. The current method of diagnosis involves histological confirmation via biopsies of bone marrow, fat, and organ…
Design and Development of Organomedicinals for Imaging and Treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)Sivapackiam, Jothilingam ; Guruswami, Sundaram ; Sharma, Vijay
— Background Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) is the second most common form of non-Alzheimer’s dementia in the population under 65 years old. FTD represents approximately 20% of all dementias and onset normally appears in the mid to late 50s. Clinically FTD is characterized by a progressive neur…
High Affinity Mannose Receptor LigandStahl, Philip
— Technology Description: The mannose receptor is uniquely found on macrophages and not on monocytes, making the mannose receptor a target for macrophage activation. Researchers at Washington University have developed polypeptide backbones to target the mannose receptor on macrophages. This technology…
Sensitive and Accurate Mass Spec-based assay for simultaneous quantification of glycosylsphingosine and galactosylsphingosineJiang, Xuntian ; Ory, Daniel
— Background Gaucher and Krabbe disease are two types of lipid (fat) storage diseases that can result in progressive damage to the nervous system and other organ systems. Together, these diseases affect about 450,000 people worldwide. In both of these diseases, there is an undesirable accumulation of…
Triblock Copolymer Based Anion Exchange Membranes (Aems) As Separators in Electrochemical DevicesRamani, Vijay ; Parrondo, Javier ; Wang, Zhongyang
— Background: Anion exchange membranes (AEMs) are used as separators in redox flow batteries, water electrolyzers, water desalination systems, fuel cells, and other electrochemical devices. Current AEMs suffer from issues with cost, poor stability and low perm selectivity. For example, current redox flow batteries are not economical or suffer from capacity loss upon cycling due to cross species contamination while using less expensive decoupled chemistries.An advanced, tunable AEM has been developed with dramatically reduced cost and improved performance relative to industry leading AEMs. High ionic conductivity, chemical stability and enhanced mechanical performance have been shown. The technology includes tunable membrane compositions, mechanical re…
pTAT/pTAT-HA plasmids and protein purfication protocol (Vectors are on deposit with Addgene)Dowdy, Steven
— Technology Description: Researchers at Washington University have developed a method that allows the transduction of full-length proteins by utilizing the pTAT or pTAT-HA protein expression plasmids. A protein of choice can be fused to a HIV-TAT transduction domain under the expression system. Ba…
Microbiome Biomakers of ObesityTurnbaugh, Peter ; Gordon, Jeffrey
— Technology Summary: Obesity rates worldwide are increasing at an astounding rate. While diet, lifestyle, and physical activity have traditionally been identified as the main causative factors, researchers at Washington University are the first to implicate gut bacteria (microbiome) as a new drivin…