Summaries by Inventor Zayed, Mohamed
Cashin, John ; Zayed, Mohamed
— Value Proposition: Simple device that allows for sutureless end-to-side surgical anastomosis of vessels. Technology Description Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have developed a device which facilitates the sutureless end-to-side anastomosis of vessels. The TAPV device may be …
Iris-Sealing Mask for the Mitigation of the Spread of Patient Aerosols Undergoing Intubation, Extubation, and Respiratory SupportCashin, John ; Zayed, Mohamed
— Value Proposition: Masking device designed to provide protection for healthcare professionals from the spread of respiratory droplets during the extubation, intubation, and ongoing respiratory support of patients. Technology Description Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have dev…
Dynamic seal valve to prevent aerosol infectionCashin, John ; Hartquist, Chase ; Lowe, Halle ; Zayed, Mohamed
— Technology Description Researchers in Mohamed Zayed’s lab at Washington University have developed a dynamic seal valve that creates a seal around devices with varying cross sections. This valve could be deployed in masks to protect health care workers from aerosol infection while using airwa…
High-throughput blood biomarker test for peripheral atherosclerosisSemenkovich, Clay ; Zayed, Mohamed
— Technology Description Researchers from Mohamed Zayed’s lab at Washington University have developed a blood biomarker test for atherosclerosis more accurate than LDL. Circulating levels of Fatty Acid Synthase (cFAS) in the serum correlate to a high degree to severity of peripheral atheroscle…
Versatile airway management system to reduce exposure to aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogensIqbal, Zahid ; Lee, Jin Vivian ; Zayed, Mohamed
— Technology Description Researchers in Dr. Mohamed Zayed’s laboratory have developed a versatile, sealable valve system for airway management devices that can protect healthcare workers by reducing their risk of exposure to aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens during risky pulmonary pro…
Stent System for the Treatment of Aorto-Iliac Occlusive DiseaseWirtz, Alexander ; Zayed, Mohamed
— Technology Description Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis developed an improved stent system to treat aorto-iliac occlusive disease. Aorto-iliac occlusive disease is caused by atherosclerotic plaque accumulation in the abdominal aorta where it connects to the common iliac arteries. …
Arteriovenous graft designed to prevent thrombosis and graft failureGenin, Guy ; Williams, Dillon ; Zayed, Mohamed
— Technology Description Prof. Mohamed Zayed and colleagues have developed an arteriovenous graft cuff with features designed to normalize the blood shear rate and decrease risk of thrombosis at the venous end anastomosis. This device could reduce the failure rate of these grafts, thereby improving …
Isochoric ActuatorCashin, John ; Genin, Guy ; Lee, Sanghun ; Zayed, Mohamed
— Device used to maintain a constant volume within an isolated treatment zone while exchanging its internal volume. Current aspiration and lytic delivery thrombectomy devices do not have isolated treatment zone. Suction could result in collapse or the lysis could result in the distension of the vein wall. Device allows for tandem infusion and suction of fluids from this treatment zone while ensuring that the volume within this treatment zone remains constant.
Vascular graft to promote stem cell therapy for diabetes and other diseasesMillman, Jeffrey ; Zayed, Mohamed
— Technology Description An interdisciplinary team at Washington University in St. Louis has developed a multi-layered arteriovenous graft device that enhances the survival and function of stem cell transplants to treat Type 1 diabetes or other diseases. Artificial organs derived from stem cells cou…
String Theory: Neurovascular Catheter System with 2-in-1 Variable RigidityChandrasekaran, Vinay ; Genin, Guy ; Hafez, Daniel ; Hartquist, Chase ; Leuthardt, Eric ; Lowe, Halle ; Osbun, Joshua ; Zayed, Mohamed
— An interdisciplinary team at Washington University has developed an easy-to-use neurovascular catheter system designed to reduce surgery time and prevent herniation during transradial interventions for stroke, aneurysms and other conditions. This device, called “String Theory”, can be sw…