Polyclonal antibody for straining human Cytokeratin 13 (HuCK13)

— Rabbit polyclonal antibodies were generated using two distinct 20-mer synthetic peptides corresponding to the unique C-terminal extension of HuCKI 3 using standard protocols. Final purification used the corresponding peptide immunogen affinity column. Possible uses: histological detection in tumors …

CellTags: Tracking Individual Cells during Cell Reprogramming

— Background

Cell populations are quite heterogeneous yet are typically analyzed in bulk, masking unique behavioral features. This is particularly problematic in cell reprogramming, where in a given population of cells, only a small number complete reprogramming. Single-cell technologies address the …

Microbiome Biomakers of Obesity

— Technology Summary:

Obesity rates worldwide are increasing at an astounding rate. While diet, lifestyle, and physical activity have traditionally been identified as the main causative factors, researchers at Washington University are the first to implicate gut bacteria (microbiome) as a new drivin…

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