by | Jan 6, 2020 | Cahill, Alison, Cuculich, Phillip, Schwartz, Alan, Wang, Yong
— Technology Description
Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have developed an electromyometrial imaging (EMMI) method to non-invasively monitor uterine contractions. During pregnancy, many women experience preterm contractions. Sometimes these contractions progress to pre-term labor a…
by | Dec 17, 2019 | Yang, Deshan
— Technology Description
Prof. Deshan Yang and colleagues have developed automated systems and software toolkits to provide more accurate deformable image registration (DIR) for adaptive radiotherapy and other clinical applications. In particular, they have automated tedious and labor-intensive DIR …
by | Nov 18, 2019 | Altman, Michael, Green, Olga, Kavanaugh, James, Li, Hua, Mutic, Sasa, Wooten, Hasani
— Technology Description
A team of researchers at Washington University has created a machine learning method to quickly and reliably validate patient contours in digital medical images for radiation therapy and computer aided image analysis.
Currently, automated contouring tools for delineating tu…
by | Oct 22, 2019 | Fu, Yabo, Yang, Deshan
— Technology Description
Researchers in Prof. Deshan Yang’s laboratory have developed a deep-learning method for fast, robust, automated MRI segmentation to expedite treatment planning for patients undergoing MRI-guided adaptive radiotherapy (MR-IGART). Specifically, this technology utilizes a…
by | Oct 22, 2019 | Hunstad, David, Kenney, Kenneth, Komeshak, Rachel, Lackey, Ian, Rich, Eliot
— Background: Faculty members from institutions all over the world are publishing scientific articles, presenting data to conferences, and writing proposals for government-funded grants all simultaneously at one time. Of course, the outcomes happen to be known at different times for each specific task…