by | Feb 26, 2021 | Biswas, Pratim, Fortner, John, Jiang, Yi, Wang, WeiNing
— Technology Description
A team of researchers at Washington University, led by Pratim Biswas and John Fortner, has constructed crumpled graphene oxide nanoparticles encapsulating TiO2 and Ag to create reactive, easily cleaned water filtration membranes. The TiO2 and Ag, which can be periodically re…
by | Sep 3, 2020 | Curiel, David
— Background:
Viral vectors have been used for in vivo delivery of CRISPR/Cas9. However, it’s applications have been limited by the native tropism of the viral vector. To better utilize in vivo editing, methods must be developed to accomplish efficient, selective and coordinated delivery of CRI…
by | Sep 3, 2020 | Hu, Yifei, Van Dyke-Blodgett, Joshua
— Background:
Compounds containing piperazic acid (Piz), a nonproteinogenic amino acid, are of significant interest for drug discovery. Peptidic compounds incorporating Piz as a building block include antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulatory and anticancer drug leads, and all naturally-occurring Pi…
by | Sep 3, 2020 | Curiel, David
— Background:
Viral vectors have been used for in vivo delivery of CRISPR/Cas9. However, it’s applications have been limited by the native tropism of the viral vector. To better utilize in vivo editing, methods must be developed to accomplish efficient, selective and coordinated delivery of CRI…
by | Aug 24, 2020 | Abbas, Abdennour, Kharasch, Evan, Liu, Keng-Ku, Morrissey, Jeremiah, Singamaneni, Srikanth, Tian, Limei
— Technology Description
An interdisciplinary team of researchers at Washington University have developed a patented plasmonic nanotransducer system with built-in, highly stable artificial antibodies that can quickly detect and quantify biological molecules. These artificial antibodies can be rapidl…