In vivo editing via targeted adenoviral vectors

— Background:

Viral vectors have been used for in vivo delivery of CRISPR/Cas9. However, it’s applications have been limited by the native tropism of the viral vector. To better utilize in vivo editing, methods must be developed to accomplish efficient, selective and coordinated delivery of CRI…

In vivo editing via targeted adenoviral vectors

— Background:

Viral vectors have been used for in vivo delivery of CRISPR/Cas9. However, it’s applications have been limited by the native tropism of the viral vector. To better utilize in vivo editing, methods must be developed to accomplish efficient, selective and coordinated delivery of CRI…

Artificial antibody platform to eliminate cold-chain in label-free plasmonic biosensor detection for diagnostics and research

— Technology Description

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at Washington University have developed a patented plasmonic nanotransducer system with built-in, highly stable artificial antibodies that can quickly detect and quantify biological molecules. These artificial antibodies can be rapidl…

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