by | Feb 23, 2022 | Cui, Jianmin
— Disease indication – Long QT Syndrome (resulting in ventricular arrhythmia, epilepsy, deafness)
Drug format – Small molecule
Drug class – Lead compounds are repurposed drugs
Research stage and preliminary data – Based on in silico screening of KCNQ, the researchers selecte…
by | Nov 2, 2021 | Banerjee, Parag, Chen, Xiao, Myung, Yoon
— Technology Description
Engineers in the Banerjee laboratory have developed a single-step, scalable vapor deposition process for fabricating high performance thin film perovskite materials at low temperature and atmospheric pressure. These lead-free, non-toxic films could be used as solar cell abso…
by | Sep 6, 2021 | Azab, Abdel Kareem, Azab, Feda, de la Puente Garcia, Maria del Pilar
— Background
External Beam Radiotherapy (EBR) is commonly used after surgical removal of a tumor (in e.g. a breast-conserving surgery) to control or kill malignant cells. The lack of selectivity due to irradiation of whole or partial organs from outside the body, however, is potentially damaging to t…
by | Jun 3, 2021 | Jun, Young-Shin, Zhu, Yaguang
— Technology Description
Researchers in Young-Shin Jun’s lab at Washington University have developed a more sustainable and efficient process for extracting rare earth elements from coal fly ash using supercritical fluids. Compared to the conventional roasting and acid leaching method, supercr…
by | Apr 7, 2021 | Jun, Young-Shin, Singamaneni, Srikanth
— Technology Description
A team of researchers led by Young-Shin Jun have developed a polymer coating for N95 respirators that would permit fast, easy, and cheap N95 disinfection using only direct sunlight. The researchers coated the outermost fabric layer in polydopamine, which converts photon energ…