Transcranial photoacoustic/thermoacoustic tomography brain imaging informed by adjunct image data (combined with 013043)

— Existing high-resolution human brain imaging modalities such as X-ray computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are expensive and employ bulky and generally non-portable imaging equipment. Moreover, X-ray CT is unsafe for patients who need long time monitoring of brain diseases …

Compressed-sensing Ultrafast Photography (CUP)

— Compressed-sensing ultrafast photography (CUP) is an ultrafast imaging technique that can capture non-repetitive, time-evolving events at up to 100 billion frames per second. Compared to existing ultrafast imaging methods, CUP has a prominent advantage in measuring an x, y, t (x, y, spatial coordina…

Optical Coherence Computed Tomography

— Optical coherence tomography (OCT) utilizes optical light to obtain an image of opaque or translucent objects, ie tissue. Because scattered light contributes to the bluring found in other optical imaging techniques, OCT filters out all the scattered light. An image is formed using only the back refl…

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