Wolfram syndrome conditional knock-out mice
— Genetically engineered mice and frozen sperm with two loxP sites flanking the mouse Wfs1 gene. These mice can be used to study the mechanisms of neurodegeneration in Wolfram syndrome.
— Genetically engineered mice and frozen sperm with two loxP sites flanking the mouse Wfs1 gene. These mice can be used to study the mechanisms of neurodegeneration in Wolfram syndrome.
— A humanized rat model of Wolfram Syndrome carrying a Wfs1 gene mutation corresponding to human WFS1 gene point mutation with a stop codon at position a.a. 452.
— A mouse model of Wolfram Syndrome carrying a pathogenic variant of Wfs1 gene corresponding to human WFS1, c.1672C > T (p.R558c) missense mutation in exon 8 of WFS1.
— Dr. Fumihiko Urano is director of the Wolfram Syndrome International Registry at WU and has developed many research tools for studying Wolfram Syndrome.
The following constructs contain the wildtype WFS1 gene with various flags, or mutations of WFS that cause mild forms of Wolfram Syndrome (019395)…
— Adeno-associated virus expressing WFS1, lentivirus expressing WFS1
— Pancreatic beta cell line lacking Wfs1 gene created by CRISPR/CAS9