- PB-SRT-Puro
- PB-SRT-tdTomato
- SB100X
- SP1-SB100X
- SB-SRT-Puro
- AAV-PB-SRT-tdTomato
- BRD4 CRISPRi plasmid
- Non-targeting CRISPRi plasmid
These plasmids can be used for single cell calling cards (“scCCs”), a robust and versatile self-reporting transposon system for high throughput analysis of protein-DNA binding with single cell resolution (WUSTL Technology T-018069). scCC simultaneously maps the precise location of transcription factor (TF) binding sites and measures the corresponding gene expression.
Moudgil, A., Wilkinson, M. N., Chen, X., He, J., Cammack, A. J., Vasek, M. J., … & Morris, S. A. (2020). Self-reporting transposons enable simultaneous readout of gene expression and transcription factor binding in single cells. Cell.