Summaries by Inventor Landt, Yvonne
Measurement of NT-ProBNP in human blood using a monoclonal antibody
Ladenson, Jack ; Landt, Yvonne ; Laterza, Omar
Ladenson, Jack ; Landt, Yvonne ; Laterza, Omar ; Modur, Vijay
Ladenson, Jack ; Landt, Yvonne ; Laterza, Omar
— This is a monoclonal antibody specific for NT-Pro BNP and can be used singly in a competitive immunoassay to measure the amount of this analyte in blood samples for the purpose of diagnosis or monitoring of congestive heart failure. In addition, it could be used in a sandwich immunoassay with a mono…
Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease and Brain InjuryLadenson, Jack ; Landt, Yvonne ; Laterza, Omar ; Modur, Vijay
— Technology Description Researchers in Prof. Jack Ladenson’s laboratory have discovered biomarkers and associated antibodies for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) that could be used for early/presymptomatic diagnosis or in clinical trials for AD drugs. This patented technology is based on the i…